Project Intro
This project required some creative exploration and a bit of imagination. For this project, we looked at how the meaning of things are conveyed through different mediums. We began by choosing a photo and adding a word to go along with the photo, in order to express the meaning of the photo in a different way. The idea was to bring different elements together into a single entity. So for the video, we were given pre shot clips and told to edit the video, add transitions, effects, a vector image, one word, and three names of people. The basic outline of the project was to create almost like a movie title sequence, which helps captures the essence of the expression of the movie.
For my movie, I wanted to create an overall contrast in the sequence. I chose a clip that had a very dull intro, a train moving through a grey urban scape, with nothing much going on. I chose the word “vapid” to help illustrate the non exciting movie clip. Half way through the clip, I introduced an alien blob vector that spiraled into the clip, then I edited the clip with the light leak effect to make it more visual exciting. Then with the continued light leak effect, my three names individually rolled into the clip. I chose names of three famous people, who are very important and revered in their own fields. The idea was to have this ultimate contrast between boring and very interesting, and to spark that contrast the would be an obscure image.
Hard Skills
-Adobe Illustrator
-Adobe After Effects
-Adobe After Effects Rendering Engine
Soft Skills
-Story Boarding
-Redering a video
-Creating effective clip transitions
-Creating visual text in a movie clip
-Lighting a scene in editing
Story Board
Final RGB Color Palette
I began the video with a dark grey solid, to signify the beginning of a dull theme.
After that it cuts to the train video already in motion, then the word “vapid” spirals into frame at the bottom right corner. I chose the word vapid, because it means: offering nothing challenging or stimulating. That’s how the video feels, again that white noise feeling.
The word then quickly slides out, planting the seeds of anticipation. All a sudden, in the middle of the clip, an image of a grey splat spirals into the scene, and a light leak effect changes the video scene. I wanted the splat to signify a change in the mood of the video, almost like an alien coming to earth and causing a disruption. Now the feeling is a lot more exciting, something is going on with the light leak effect, that makes the video scene more interesting.
Then I have names appear on screen, then slide out of screen character by character. They are spaced exactly, two seconds between each text sequence. The three names I chose were Gianni Angelli, Jerry Garcia, and Jim Carrey. I chose these three people, because they are titans of their industries, interesting people who came in and disrupted their respective fields. With the light leak and these names, it makes the subject of the video more interesting, making it feel like something is going on.
After Jim Carrey’s name slides off screen, the screen goes to back to the dark grey solid, but this time the shot is lighted by the point light. I did this to express the light leak feeling even more and to show the contrast feeling between the beginning of the video and the end. Making a full circle and emphasizing the difference between a dull mood vs. a more interesting and exciting one.
Final Film